Deepanjana Varshney

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  • Overview

  • Education

  • Teaching Area

  • Selected Research

Dr. Deepanjana Varshney joined the Faculty of Economics and Administration at King Abdulaziz University in 2011. Her research focus is on Organizational Psychology, Human Resource Development and Organizational Development.

Her research has appeared in international journals like African & Asian Studies, European Journal of Commerce & Management Research, Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research, and International Journal of Advanced Research in Management & Social Sciences. She has also written chapters of books based on her areas of research.

Apart from her academic services, Dr. Varshney actively conducts training workshops and is a member of several committees at King Abdulaziz University such as the Research Committee and the Student Selection Committee. She has also served as an Assessor in ‘Qiyadat’ (Prince Khaled Alfaisal Administrative Leadership Development Program) 2014.

Last Update
1/7/2015 10:08:22 AM